The best way to get a feel for the correct group Netiquette is to see what the people around you are doing. Another good way to find out what's going on is to look for a @FAQ, About, or Help page. Privacy is another issue on the Internet. The truth is, there is no such thing as complete privacy. If you send out an e-mail, there's always a chance someone else could intercept it. And with most e-mail systems, the E-mail Administrator has access to your messages. Some companies even monitor their employee e-mail. As a result, you need to think about security. The following are a few tips to get you started. Don't e-mail any information you want to keep secure! And never give out your password, not even to friends. If someone else has it, there's a chance that more people will find out. Don't use easy-to-guess words or numbers, like your name or your birthday. It's easy for people to guess those. Use both numbers and symbols. It is much harder guessing a password like "z67Aa98bC". And make sure you change your password a lot, in case someone does find out. Don't leave your machine running when you're not there.